Starting a Personal Growth Journey as a Busy Mom

The unfiltered story of my personal growth journey

3 Hacks for jumpstarting personal growth journey

Starting your personal growth journey doesn't have to be.

Join me for bite-sized conversations with actionable steps to make intentional growth part of your life as a busy mom.

Being a mom is hard.

Recent Episodes

Hey there, mama! Let’s talk about something we all wish we had more of: time. Between juggling diaper changes, school runs, and maybe squeezing in a moment to remember our own names, finding time to dive into a good book can feel like an impossible dream. But fear not, because today, I’m going to introduce […]


Episode 61: Goodreads as a Learning System | Life-Changing Systems All Moms Need

Learning and Reading System for Busy Moms | Life Coach for Busy Moms

Hey there, super moms! Let’s talk about something that might just revolutionize your daily grind: the mom planner. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – “Another planner? How is this one any different?” Well, buckle up, because this one might just be the game-changer you’ve been searching for. So, picture this: you’re juggling a dozen […]


Episode 60: The Ultimate Mom Planner | Life-Changing Systems All Moms Need

Hey there, mama! Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of systems. No, not the ones your kids set up with their toys, but the game-changing, life-organizing systems that will make you feel like you can conquer the world. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey of organizational bliss! Productivity Systems: What […]


Episode 59: Life-Changing Systems All Moms Need

Hey there, mama! Are you tired of feeling like a hot mess express every day? Do you envy those moms who seem to have it all together while you’re just struggling to keep your head above water? Well, hold onto your Stanley cup. I’ve got a game-changer for you that will transform your life in […]


Episode 58: Change Your (Mom) Life in 10 Minutes With This Easy Idea

In last week’s episode, we talked about my transformation from being a full-time teacher to a solo-preneur. And not only that, but my shift from being completely stressed 100% of the time to being the calm, present mom that I always wanted to be. As I was reflecting on that episode, I felt that one […]


Episode 57: Create Your Dream Life Budget

How To Make More Money as a Busy Mom | Dream Life Budget | Sharon Leger Coaching

Whenever I talk to a busy mom about reducing their overwhelm, my #1 tip is to start a bullet journal notebook system. Why? I have been using this system for years and I swear that when I use it consistently, it does wonders to bring down my stress. And not only that, but most importantly, […]


Episode 52: Notebook + Pen = Dream Life

Start a Bullet Journal, Notebook System for Moms | Sharon Leger Coaching

There is no greater feeling than meeting with a new client and hearing how well the MAP Book notebook system has transformed their lives. Seriously, this tool is a game changer. I do a happy dance every time a mom breathes a sigh of relief and whips out their 99¢ composition notebook. It really is […]


Episode 47: I’ll Show You My (Notebook) If You Show Me Yours!

Would you think I was crazy if I told you that I am SO excited for today’s episode? We are going to be rolling up our sleeves and really tackling your personal growth goals. In case you missed it, last week, in episode 42, we talked about personal growth goals for moms and how they […]


Episode 43: The Secret No One Tells You About Goal-Setting

Personal Growth Goals for Moms | Sharon Leger Coaching

I did it – I broke up with PowerSheets. I know, I know. Last year, I swore by the process. Don’t get me wrong, I am really glad that I made the investment and tried the process. But after 365 days of it, I decided to try something new in 2023 to track progress on […]


Episode 40: Why I Broke Up With PowerSheets This Year

The Best Planner For Goal Setting in 2023

We are officially one month into 2023. How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Or are they already a thing of the past? For years, I tried New Year’s resolutions. And for years, I was frustrated with the process and my lack of growth. That all changed once I created a system to write a […]


Episode 39: Uncensored: My 2023 Personal Growth Plan Revealed

Overhead picture of mom writing her personal growth plan on a laptop computer

If you are ready to start your personal growth journey but are feeling overwhelmed by all of the information out there, you are in the right place. Today’s episode is going to be the perfect place for you to start. If you haven’t already, you may want to take the free personal growth triangle assessment […]


Episode 38: Pack Your Bags, Your Personal Growth Journey Starts Now!

How to prepare for your personal growth journey

Did you know that only 23% of people are planning to make New Year’s resolutions in 2023?! And how many of those do you think are moms? Probably not many! New Year’s resolutions can be super frustrating, especially for busy moms. With so many things on your plate, you need to invest your time wisely. […]


Episode 35: I’m Boycotting New Year’s Resolutions – Who’s With Me?!

Why A Personal Growth Plan is Better Than New Year's Resolutions

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but January is my favorite month of the year. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I really dislike the bitter cold in New England. But I love, love, love taking the whole month to plan the year ahead.  There’s just something so motivating and inspiring about having a whole […]


Episode 33: How to Make 2023 The Year You Changed Your Life

How to Plan Your Year | Sharon Leger Coaching

I told someone I used to teach with the other day that I am an introvert. Her jaw just about hit the table. “You?!” she squealed. “No, you’re not!” It made me laugh because with all of the personal growth I have done over the years, I know myself better than ever. I can assure […]


Episode 32: Plan Your First Personal Growth Solo Retreat

How to Plan Your First Personal Growth Retreat | Sharon Leger Coaching

Today’s episode is actually the last episode in a little mini-series about planning your month, week and day. Back in Episode 29, we talked about how to plan your month. Then episode 30 was all about planning your week. A lot of busy moms are thinking big picture right now with 2023 on the horizon. […]


Episode 31: How to Plan Your Day

How to Plan Your Day as a Busy Mom | Sharon Leger Coaching

I think that one of the main reasons that I became a teacher is because I love to plan. One of my favorite things to do is to take the big picture and break it down into smaller units. It is so satisfying to make tasks more manageable. That is exactly what we’re going to […]


Episode 30: Planning a Successful Week

Planning a Successful Week | Sharon Leger Coaching

One of my most popular resources for busy moms is the free notebook system set-up guide. If you haven’t checked it out yet, this needs to be on your priority list. I truly believe that in order to gain traction on your personal growth journey, you need a way to organize yourself. After trying literally […]


Episode 29: 4 Tips for Easy Monthly Planning

I love January. Everything feels like a fresh start, the calendar isn’t overloaded with activities and with snow falling outside, it feels like some good ol’ fashioned reflection can happen. The other thing I love about January is that it is when my husband and I do our annual money meeting.  If you’ve been around […]


Episode 28: Our Annual Money Meeting

Our Annual Money Meeting | Sharon Leger Coaching

Before I began doing an annual review process every year, I always felt like I was working towards trivial goals. I set goals in January because everyone else did, and I never felt like the action I was taking was meaningful or strategic. The goals that I was setting were never really improving or transforming […]


Episode 26: How to Do an Annual Review

How to Do an Annual Review | Sharon Leger Coaching

Annual goal-setting is one of my favorite things to do and I look forward to it every year. However, I am always looking for new ways to streamline this process, since some years felt better than others. When I was first designing my customized, 99¢ notebook system that I lovingly refer to as my MAP […]


Episode 25: How I Use PowerSheets in 2022

How I Use Powersheets As a Busy Mom | Sharon Leger Coaching

Imagine this: you’re in the school drop-off line. You look over and see another mom. Her life looks so put together. Her kids probably even have love notes in their lunch box. Have you ever wondered what her secret is? How was she such an organized mom?! And … is that a Cheerio in your […]


The Secret to Being an Organized Mom

The Secret to Being an Organized Mom | Sharon Leger Coaching

If I had to pick a topic for a TedTalk, I would hands down choose personal finance. Why? Honestly, it has changed my life. Before I learned about personal finance, my husband and I lived on a swipe and pray method. It wasn’t great. All that to say, I am more than a little excited […]


Episode 13: How to Create a Budget That Works

How To Financially Prepare to Make a Life Change | Sharon Leger Coaching

Today we are going to talk about my favorite thing in the actual world: how to make a plan. While I am the queen of plans now, it hasn’t always been this way. For years, my plans would be multiple pages in a notebook that had no real prioritization or direction. Honestly, a lot of […]


Episode 9: How to Make a Plan

How to Make a Plan

So I am super curious, after last week’s episode, were you inspired to start any new systems? I would love to hear about it, if you have a second to shoot me a DM over on Instagram. As promised, Episode 7 is going to be all about how to design your day as a busy […]


Episode 7: How to Design Your Day as a Busy Mom

How to Design Your Day as a Busy Mom

Hello, friend! Today we’re going to be doing a deep dive into the idea of systems for busy moms and why they are actually better than goals. Wait, what? Hold the phone! Did the personal growth junkie just say systems are better than GOALS? Yep, sure did! What is a system? So first, we need […]


Episode 6: Why Systems For Busy Moms Are Better Than Goals

Why Busy Moms Need Systems, Not Goals

I swear I am still riding high from last week’s episode all about using a MAP Book to run your life. I got SO many messages last week about how much mamas are needing a customized system just like this and 31 moms signed up to receive the free notebook system set-up guide, which I […]


Episode 5: Quarterly Review & Planning For Busy Moms

Doing a Quarterly Review Session As a Busy Mom

In today’s episode, you will learn how a 99 cent notebook saved my life – and I swear, I’m not being dramatic! You’ll meet my MAP Book and find out why I swear by it and how you can get your own organizational system rocking and rolling in no time. Ready to set-up your own […]


Episode 4: How A 99 Cent Notebook Saved My Life

How a 99 Cent Notebook Saved My Life

personal growth for busy moms