Episode 29: 4 Tips for Easy Monthly Planning

  1. […] week, in episode 29, we talked about how to easily plan your month. If you didn’t check out that episode, you […]

  2. […] actually the last episode in a little mini-series about planning your month, week and day. Back in Episode 29, we talked about how to plan your month. Then episode 30 was all about planning your week. A lot of […]

  3. […] am not going to bore you with the daily, weekly or monthly pages in my notebook right now. If you are interested in learning more about them, you can check out the […]

  4. […] The first step to start to change your life is to identify what is working and what isn’t. As a dream life designer, this is something that I can help you with, or you can do on your own (I recommend using this monthly reflection wheel). […]

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