dream life 

Let's create your 

together, mama. 

So, for years, I always knew what came next. Once that dream came true, I looked around and thought: now what? In order to figure it out, I consumed every resource I could get my hands on until I had created a new dream life vision and a plan for how to get there. I did it alone, but you don't have to, mama.

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a mom.

Let's make your dream life your real life, 


Hey, I'm Sharon,

I had dreamed of being an elementary school teacher for my entire life. Then one day, ten years into my career, I was sitting at a traffic light on my way to work. I had the startling realization that I was 32 years old and had 32 years left of teaching ahead of me. 

That thought felt like a sucker punch. 

I knew this wasn’t a life I would want for my daughters. So why was I settling for it for myself?

It was that moment when I decided that I wasn't going to settle. I was going to re-create my dream life. I threw myself into my personal growth, bound and determined to create a new plan for a life that I was truly excited about. A plan that didn't involve waking up my kiddos at 6am to rush off to a job that I had outgrown and was no longer passionate about.

And now? I'm a work-from-home mom, with a thriving family photography business and a coaching business that lights me up. Every. Single. Day.

Though my husband was supportive, my journey was lonely. When I finally got to where I wanted to be, it frustrated me to think other moms would have to do the journey on their own as well.  That is why I became the personal growth coach I wish I had when I was in your position.

You don't have to do this alone, mama. Let's get you to your dream life, together. 


Three years ago, I was living my dream life, the life I worked so hard for…so why wasn’t I happy? 

hear the full story

My Personal growth obsessions

My MAP Book
Tracking habits
Creating action plans
My annual goal-setting retreat
Masterpiece Days 
My 3 Year Dream Life Vision
My morning routine 

My Dream Life Vision

A flexible schedule
Spending the summer in Maine 
Getting my girls on and off the bus everyday
Publishing my book 
Taking vacations with my family
Taking a personal retreat every winter 

My favorite personal growth books

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
- John C. Maxwell

Code of the Extraordinary Mind
 - Vishen Lakhiani

168 Hours
- Laura Vanderkam

More About Me

Ask me about... 

My happy place


My two pups

My fave episodes of friends

My family PHotography business


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personal growth for busy moms